Thursday, January 31, 2013

The GABA Challenge


The GABA Challenge is a test for the integrity of your Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).  The BBB is a semi-permeable (some things can go through) “wall” that filters needed proteins, nutrients, and hormones into the brain, and keeps all irritants OUT of the brain. 

Think of your skin.  That also is a barrier system for your body.  What happens when that barrier system is compromised?  Think of a cut or scrape.  The answer of course is inflammation in the form of immune response to everything that is passing through that is NOT supposed to…dirt, bacteria, etc. 

Now think of this wall around your brain, only cut up, scratched up and scabbed up.  The cells surrounding these wounds, being bathed in inflammation are your BRAIN CELLS.   

This inflammatory process will guarantee you early neuro-degeneration, and make you sensitive to mercury and other environmental toxins (Autism spectrum)!

The GABA Challenge test involves taking a neuropeptide (big word for protein), called GABA that is naturally made in every cell of your body.  The key bit of information that we are using is that it acts locally only.  It does not travel from the kidney to the brain, and it doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier. 

The neuropeptides that work in the brain are GABA, serotonin, dopamine, etc.  GABA being the only inhibitory chemical (it’s like the brake pedal).  All the others are excitatory or stimulating to the nervous system. 

When you take a drug that stimulates GABA in the brain, you tend to slow down, get tired, feel sluggish, lose fine coordination.  Alcohol and Valium are probably the most famous GABA stimulators.  If you have ever tried either, you know exactly what I mean. 

BUT, taking the protein directly shouldn’t do this.  Alcohol crosses the blood brain barrier, GABA does not.  When we take GABA internally, WE SHOULD NOT FEEL ANYTHING.  There should not be a slowing, intoxication, or incoordination feeling at all.  There should be no brain effect at all. 

  1. About 1-2 hours after dinner, on a night that you have nothing planned, take the 2 GABA capsules.
  2. Go about your business (like I said, don’t have anything important planned)
  3. Notice any unusual slowing down type feelings, ranging from drunken to lethargy, or simply slowed down.
  4. Notice any excitation, agitation, or other stimulation such as feeling wired, which will happen in approximately 20% of the cases of compromised BBB.  Most will feel inhibited
  5. Go to bed.  If you are slowed, it will be gone by the morning.  (If you feel hung over in the morning, the process of neurodegeneration is more advanced, and requires significant attention. 
  6. ANY change, excitation or inhibition is a positive test for damage to the Blood Brain Barrier.


  1. Then whats the purpose next to the GABA Challenge by taking GABA supplements if it only works locally and should not make us feel anything?

    1. Good point...if your GABA supplements "work" to calm you down, or have BIGGER problems to consider. Brain degeneration and inflammation!

    2. We use GABA releasing natural meds to increase GABA...valerian, skullcap, passion flower, poppy...

    3. Nice article, am curious on the dosage though. You say 2 capsules, but how much is that in g or mg? Capsules can be different strengths, and GABA also comes in power form. Thanks!

    4. The dosage for the GABA challenge is 2x 500mg capsules (1000mg total).

  2. I get dizzy with GABA as I do with most supplements, what does that indicate?

  3. What is the the best brand to get? Can I take it while on Mucuna 40%?

  4. Thanks for the info on this
    Took the gaba challenge 1000 mg and within a few minutes it felt like taking niacin pins and needles all over my face and hands and moving down through my butt but no sensations in my lower extremities. All the pins and needle feeling that lasted about 15 minutes alone are anxiety provoking. Might I please ask for your thoughts.
